Theme: Believe in Yourself
Children learn about the world and their role in it by watching their mothers and other caregivers. When parents feel pride and confidence in themselves and their culture, their children benefit in many ways.
The work of raising children is hard. Believing in yourself is often the first step to overcoming challenges and giving your children a healthy and strong start in life.
So, let’s celebrate the powerful influence of mothers, grandmothers, aunts and other maternal figures in the lives of young children… on Mother’s Day and everyday.
Let’s encourage them to believe in themselves.
Key Messages for Parents:
- Every child needs a hero and you have everything you need to be your child’s hero. Believe in yourself.
- Stay positive and confident in your ability to be the most important person in your child’s life. Setting hopeful expectations sends a message to your child that you believe in them- because you believe in yourself.
- Children thrive and learn to be brave in the world when the adults in their lives believe in themselves and demonstrate their own ability to grow. As a caregiver, feel free to make mistakes, but don’t give up!
- Families come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. Our mother figures might be our aunts, grandmothers, teachers, or cousins. Honoring all the mother figures in your child’s life makes them feel cared for and builds strong bonds in your family.
- Your child’s story is just beginning. As a caregiver, you are helping them write the first chapter and setting the tone that will guide them for the rest of their life.
- For Mother’s Day, introduce early reading skills by exploring the images in books together, ask your child to imagine how a character feels. Encourage them to create their own stories.
- Graduation season reminds us of our hopes for our families. Talk to your children about their dreams and yours. Dream big!
Believe in yourself! – Momentos de Conexión Video (Moments of Connection), 1 minute
You are the most important person in your child’s life. In this video, Clara reminds you to believe in yourself.
How do you use your powerful influence as a parent?
Suggested Post:
- You are the most important person in your child’s life! How do you use your powerful influence as a parent? #FuerzaFamLatina #LaFuerzadeFamiliasLatinas
- Eres la persona más importante en la vida de tus hijos. Cree en tí, como ellos creen en ti. ¿Cómo utilizas tu poder como padre? #FuerzaFamLatina #LaFuerzadeFamiliasLatinas
Share these tip cards with parents to get them thinking about how to create loving moments of connection with their children. What advice can they provide?
Las Plantas
PLANTS. Planting seeds and observing the changes supports the development of scientific thinking. What do you think is going to happen? Is the soil wet or dry? What is the right temperature? Record the changes. What stories can your plant tell over time?
Suggested Post for Mother’s Day Week, May 10-16, 2021:
- Plants are a popular gift for Mother’s Day. Use this Consejo to ask questions that support your child’s developing science skills while caring for something that is growing. What stories can a plant tell over time? #FuerzaFamLatina #LaFuerzadeFamiliasLatinas
- Las flores son un regalo muy común para el Día de las Madres. Utiliza este Consejo para hacer preguntas que apoyan el desarrollo de las habilidades científicas de tus hijos mientras cuidan de algo que está creciendo. ¿Qué historias puede contar una planta con el tiempo? #FuerzaFamLatina #LaFuerzadeFamiliasLatinas
La Fuerza
POWER. Your positive energy influences your child’s confidence to learn something new. How can we make that happen? How does a bird learn to fly? This seems heavy, let’s push together. How are you using your powerful influence?
Suggested post to celebrate the beginning of graduation season:
Graduation season reminds us of the dreams we have for our little ones. Familias Latinas you have the power to give our children a great start. You have to believe in yourself! Use this Consejo to encourage your child to find solutions, observe and seek help towards their goals. #FuerzaFamLatina #LaFuerzadeFamiliasLatinas
- La época de las graduaciones nos recuerdan los sueños que tenemos para nuestros pequeños. Familias Latinas ustedes tienen el poder de darle a sus hijos un excelente comienzo. ¡Tienes que creer en tí! Utiliza este Consejo para motivar a tu hijo a encontrar solucones, observar y buscar ayuda hacia sus metas. #FuerzaFamLatina #LaFuerzadeFamiliasLatinas
Share this storybook read aloud in Spanish. Invite parents to try a new reading strategy with their child. How might they activate these stories?
El día en que descubres quien eres
Author: Jacqueline Woodson
Illustrator: Rafael López
Children encounter and overcome feelings of difference from their peers in this book. This story centers Angelina, with big curly hair and brown skin, as she begins the school year. Explore difficult feelings with your child as you explore the ways the characters find the courage to connect, even when they feel scared and alone.
Suggested Post:
- Happy Mother’s Day! Enjoy this story by Jacqueline Woodson and Rafael López about the courage to connect even when scared. “There will be times when you walk into a room and no one there is quite like you…” Enjoy this Read-Aloud while talking to your child about a time you had to believe in yourself and your unique story! #FuerzaFamLatina #LaFuerzadeFamiliasLatinas
- ¡Feliz día de las madres! Disfruten este libro por Jacqueline Woodson y Rafael López sobre la valentía de conectar aunque tengamos miedo. “Habrá veces en que entres a un lugar y no vas a nadie como tú…” ¡Disfruta de este Cuentacuentos mientras hablas con tu hijo sobre algún momento que tuviste que creer en tí y tu historia tan única! #FuerzaFamLatina #LaFuerzadeFamiliasLatinas
Celebrity host Gaby Rivero in conversation with Les Rivero, a Latinx parent from Philadelphia, continue their discussion about creating our own unique stories with our children. They consider real challenges members of our community overcome when reading to their children.
Crea tu propia historia PT 2
Juntas en Casa with Gaby Rivero (Together at Home), 5 minutes
Suggested Post:
- Celebrity host Gaby Rivero continues the conversation with parents like you about learning together at home with a Latin Flavor. Watch the video on creating stories part 2 and subscribe to @fuerzafamlatina YouTube channel, link in their bio! #FuerzaFamLatina #LaFuerzadeFamiliasLatinas
- Gaby Rivero, celebridad de la televisión y nuestra anfitriona continúa conversando con padres como tú sobre leer juntos en casa con un sabor Latinx. Mira el episodio en crear historias juntos parte 2 y suscríbete al canal de Youtube de @fuerzafamlatina, el enlace está en su biografía. #FuerzaFamLatina #LaFuerzadeFamiliasLatinas
Invite caregivers to subscribe to Text Messages promoting early learning at home.
Messages are informed by scholarly research are crafted in plain language and disseminated by Univisión and Too Small to Fail.
Suggested Post:
Recibe consejos en español para apoyar el desarrollo de tu hijo enviando la palabra CONSEJOS al 26262.

Sign Up for a Parent Workshop
Share our free online workshop invitation to Spanish-speaking caregivers in your community of young children. Registered participants receive free books and create digital stories with their children. To find information about future workshops click and share here.
Suggested Post:
- ¡Aprende cómo tu amor puede brindar soporte al cerebro de tu hijo! Si eres padre de niños de 0 a 7 años y hablas español inscríbete en el taller de @fuerzafamlatina GRATIS. Los días 12, 14, 17, 19 y 21 de Mayo en diferentes horarios. Más información en @fuerzafamlatina. #LaFuerzadeFamiliasLatinas #FuerzaFamLatinaamLatina
Sign Up for a Professional Development Workshop
Share this invitation about online orientation for agencies serving Latinx families of children 0-7 years old. Organizations will learn about La Fuerza de Familias Latinas initiative and how to host a workshop for caregivers in their community. To find information about training events click here.
Explore to find more resources in Spanish, from our Partners Too Small to Fail and Univision Materials embed positive parenting messages and research-based tips. Share the telenovela, La Fuerza de Creer 2, access activities, watch videos, and more.
Clementine Morel