Eradicate poverty through education solutions for families
NCFL works to eradicate poverty through education solutions for families. Partnering with educators, literacy advocates, and policymakers, NCFL develops and provides programming, professional development, and resources for families. Through these efforts, we invite parents and caregivers to recognize their voice and power to make change in their lives, the lives of children, and their communities. Engaging multiple generations from the same family has been a fundamental and distinguishing aspect of our work, because we know this holistic approach creates a stronger impact and greater success for families.
Our National Literacy Directory is an important learning vehicle for adults:
- It provides community listings across the country for Early Childhood, Family Literacy, High School Equivalency/Adult Basic Education, English Language Learning, and Citizenship classes
- To create a free NLD listing, visit https://www.nld.org and click on Program Manager Login.
Join us for the 2021 Families Learning Conference