Theme: Making Art Benefits Your Children
When parents make art with their children, they build confidence in self-expression and problem-solving. Creative activities help children build their natural curiosity and imagination which are important for lifelong learning. Children benefit from learning alongside their caregivers when making art.
This month we find inspiration with the arrival of Spring. We celebrate the Week of the Young Child from April 10 to April 16 to promote loving moments of connection.
Join us to inspire family art-making!
Key Messages for Parents:
Parents! Making art with our children provides them with rich experiences and evidence of their ability to make things happen. When you make art together you learn about their point of view which lets them know you care about what they think.
Shared cultural experiences such as stories in your native language, music, art and traditions help children develop a positive self concept and self-esteem.
Children benefit from safe creative play that engages all of their senses. Getting comfortable with new textures, smells, tastes, sounds and sights helps them build essential skills their brains need to be independent in the world and navigate new experiences.
Creative problem-solving with you offer opportunities for your child to observe, experiment and adapt. These skills are important for school readiness. Activate their imagination by challenging them to make something new from recyclable everyday objects.
Celebrate the creativity in all living things, by pointing out how the rain, sun and wind of Spring make nature bloom to encourage observation.
For the Week of the Young Child, introduce early reading skills by exploring the images in books together, ask your child what they think is happening and let them tell you why they think that. Encourage them to create their own stories.
Making Art Benefits Your Child – Momentos de Conexión Video (Moments of Connection), 1 minute

In this video, Susana is drawing with Tatiana and reminds us of the importance of appreciating and feeling happy about the things our children make, especially if they do it with us.
How do you support creativity at home?
Suggested Post:
Making art with your children supports their early development. How do you support creativity at home? #FuerzaFamLatina #LaFuerzadeFamiliasLatinas
- Crear arte con tus hijos soporta su desarrollo temprano. ¿Cómo apoyas la creatividad en la casa? #FuerzaFamLatina #LaFuerzadeFamiliasLatinas
Share these tip cards with parents to get them thinking about how to create loving moments of connection with their children. What advice can they provide?

IMAGES. Observing images with your children supports critical thinking. What is going on in this picture? What do you see that makes you think that? What else can you find? What stories can your child tell with one image?
Suggested Post to celebrate the season of Spring:
This spring take daily photos of your favorite tree. Use this Consejo to ask questions about what they see, help them build new vocabulary, and make up a story about what lives in the trees. #FuerzaFamLatina #LaFuerzadeFamiliasLatinas
- Esta primavera tómale fotos a tu árbol favorito. Utiliza este consejo para hacer preguntas sobre que ven, apóyalos a crear un nuevo vocabulario y a crear una historia sobre que vive en los árboles. #FuerzaFamLatina #LaFuerzadeFamiliasLatinas

THE CARDBOARD BOX. Creative problem-solving with you supports your child’s early education. Who fits inside? How do we assemble it? How can we recycle? Where is this train going? How many stories can a cardboard box tell?
Suggested Post for The Week of the Young Child, April 10-16, 2021:
Creative problem-solving with you supports your child’s early education. Use this Consejo to inspire art-making and storytelling during the Week of the Young Child. #FuerzaFamLatina #LaFuerzadeFamiliasLatinas #ArtsyThursday
- Solucionar problemas creativamente juntos apoya la educación temprana de tus hijos. Utiliza este consejo para inspirar crear arte y contar historias durante la Semana del Niño Pequeño. #FuerzaFamLatina #LaFuerzadeFamiliasLatinas
Share these resources with parents to inspire them to action.
Share this book read aloud in Spanish. Invite parents to try a new reading strategy with their child. How might they activate these stories?

Author: Yuyi Morales
Illustrator: Yuyi Morales
A book about the life of an immigrant mother, her baby, and their journey of leaving their homeland and starting a new life in a country with a different culture and language. This book shows that love, kindness, and perseverance is a beautiful way to
Suggested Post:
- Explore this beautifully illustrated read-aloud by Yuyi Morales with your child and discover the world through the eyes of an immigrant who is full of dreams. Can you find the migrating creatures travel with them? #FuerzaFamLatina #LaFuerzadeFamiliasLatinas
- Compartan en familia este hermoso cuentacuentos ilustrado y escrito por Yuyi Morales y descubran la belleza de ser inmigrantes, llenos de amor y aventura. ¿Qué animales e insectos pueden encontrar juntos en este libro? #FuerzaFamLatina #LaFuerzadeFamiliasLatinas
Juntas en Casa Webisodes with Gaby Rivero (Together at Home), 5 minutes

Celebrity host Gaby Rivero along with real parents offer reflections on reading promotion activities and parenting topics from the point of view of Latinx families.
Suggested Post:
- Celebrity host Gaby Rivero talks with parents like you about learning together at home with a Latin Flavor. The topics go from bilingualism to science, reading, and much more! Subscribe to @fuerzafamlatina’s YouTube channel, link in their bio! #FuerzaFamLatina #LaFuerzadeFamiliasLatinas
- Gaby Rivero, celebridad de la televisión y nuestra anfitriona conversa con padres como tú sobre leer juntos en casa con un sabor Latinx. Los temas van desde el bilingüismo, la ciencia, la lectura y ¡muchos más! Suscríbete al canal de Youtube de @fuerzafamlatina, el enlace está en su biografía. #FuerzaFamLatina #LaFuerzadeFamiliasLatinas
Invite caregivers to subscribe to Text Messages promoting early learning at home.

Messages are informed by scholarly research are crafted in plain language and disseminated by Univisión and Too Small to Fail.
Suggested Post:
Recibe consejos en español para apoyar el desarrollo de tu hijo enviando la palabra CONSEJOS al 26262.
Share our free online workshop invitation to Spanish-speaking caregivers in your community with children 0-7 years old. Registered participants receive free books and create digital stories with their children. To find information about future workshops click and share here.
Suggested post:
- ¡Aprende cómo tu amor puede brindar soporte al cerebro de tu hijo! Si eres padre de niños de 0 a 7 años y hablas español inscríbete en el taller de @fuerzafamlatina GRATIS. Los días 21, 23, 26, 28 and 30 de abril.. Más información en @fuerzafamlatina. #LaFuerzadeFamiliasLatinas #FuerzaFamLatina
Share this invitation about online orientation for agencies serving Latinx families of children 0-7 years old. Organizations will learn about La Fuerza de Familias Latinas initiative and how to host a workshop for caregivers in their community. To find information about training events click here.
Suggested post:
- Acompáñanos el 19, 21, 23 de abril del 2021 a la 1:00PM hasta las 2:20PM para aprender sobre la iniciativa #LaFuerzadeFamiliasLatinas y cómo puedes proveer talleres y recursos GRATIS para familias hispanas de 0-7 años de edad. #FuerzaFamLatinas
Explore to find more resources in Spanish, from our Partners Too Small to Fail and Univision Materials embed positive parenting messages and research-based tips. Share the telenovela, La Fuerza de Creer 2, access activities, watch videos, and more.
- From: Too Small to Fail
- From: Univision
- From: Abriendo Puertas/ Opening Doors
Clementine Morel